Internship Eligibility and FAQs

Application Process

Please complete the application form on Volunteer With Us – TIDE Foundation and email your CV to Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and a zoom interview will be scheduled in a few weeks from your application. Over the interview your interests, skills and past experience will be discussed which will be used to personalize your internship.

Internship Eligibility

This program is for current undergraduate students, post-graduate students, pass-outs and working professionals to be able to help society.
a) have completed first semester at university
b) Should possess strong communication (written and oral), time management and leadership skills.
c) Prior volunteering experience although not required is preferred
d) Specialized research background for 1 of the 4 positions


Our internship guidebook answer most of your questions.

Additional FAQs can be found below:

1. Is there a way to contact the interns who participated in TIDE last year?
Over the past few years we have had interns from Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Oman, China and Ireland. If you would like, we can put you in touch with them.


2. Are there any entry exit requirements?
You will need a VISA for your entry in India. Please find additional information on the following site,


3. The internship is in Ahmedabad. What is Ahmedabad like?
TIDE is based in Ahmedabad, the famous Mahatma Gandhi’s home during the Indian freedom struggle. Ahmedabad is the third fastest growing city in the world, 7th largest city in India and has consistently ranked in top 5 cities as the most livable city and the safest city in India. Ahmedabad is situated in Gujarat, western India- it is very well connected to key metro cities like Mumbai and Delhi.
Ahmedabad is known for its culture, delicious food, monsoons, bustling markets, majestic forts, temples and palaces. During you visit here, you will be experiencing two seasons on your visit to A’bad; summers and monsoons.


4. Are the interns paid stipend? Is there any charge for the internship?
TIDE doesn’t charge for the program; however, interns are invited to donate money to the organization after their internship and the money raised from the same will be used to conduct educational activities through the rest of the year. The interns are expected to manage and pay for their transportation to India, their visas, insurance and transportation within India (to all necessary TIDE and community service sites). Expenses incurred, apart from transportation, in relation to TIDE related work will be paid for by TIDE. Please note that similar organizations often charge atleast $1000 for similar length programs. The TIDE internship allows interns to truly make a difference in the lives of students and to experiences India from the perspective of Indian families while forming friendships with Indian peers.


5. Does TIDE organize any tours and travels to visit places in Ahmedabad or around India
No, TIDE doesn’t. Though during your off-time from work, you can go visit places at your own personal convenience and we can put you in touch with various travel agencies that we have worked with in the past. Also, our members and host families will help you out with any local queries.


6. What’s the plan in the case of an intern getting sick?
If an intern gets sick, we have tie ups with 3 doctors and a hospital in Ahmedabad, so we have medical services available 24/7. Ahmedabad also has an emergency ambulance and medical services. For information regarding health insurance please visit, Also, just for your information Ahmedabad, Gujarat is a dry state if alcohol may be something you may be worried about.


7. According to Google, Ahmedabad’s monsoon season starts in late June and continues through August. How will monsoon season interfere with travel and any outdoor plans?
Yes, the monsoons start in June, but that is one of the best parts of India. The monsoons are absolutely gorgeous, the smell, the breeze, everything. And they shouldn’t interfere too much with outdoor plans.


8. Will there be an orientation program?
Apart from the interview call there will be a pre-departure Skype briefing and an orientation program will take place once the interns arrive in Ahmedabad. These will give you an idea about how our programs are conducted, about the locality and its culture.


Any other queries and questions can be asked on