Miracle Of Ideas 2024

The Miracle of Ideas (MOI) aims to help recreate the Indian culture of public debates, discussions and dialogues on issues of social relevance, promote independent thinking, and inspire action on social justice issues. It opens up a common platform for combining multiple thoughts and viewpoints. Through seminars, debates, exhibitions, and panel discussions, the eventual goal of the event is to weave together many strands of information that are partly choreographed and partly left open-ended for the audience to interpret.

In 2017, we organised a public talk series on changing times structured around understanding and analysing different disciplines and their evolution. The recordings can be found on YouTube.In 2023, we hosted an art exhibition on the role of happiness in education. The event engaged over 250+ participating students from 40+ schools and drew over 1,300 attendees. The exhibition walkthrough can be accessed on YouTube.

The Miracle of Ideas 2024 is distributed over four main events that start with a conference on sustainability, of the individual, of future business models, urban planning/architecture and the conservative usage model of energy resources. The meeting is followed by independent thinking and social action workshops. The next part includes an art exhibition on a topic that will drive people to think about the challenges that Ahmedabad will face in the future. Lastly, the key event for this year is a Model City Council, a two-day event wherein individuals will imagine a future that they want to live in by 2040, research issues that may be a hindrance to that future and plan solutions that can be presented to the city.