Miracle Of Ideas 2024 – Exhibition

We invite schools across the city to contemplate upon a theme of the year and submit artworks including photographs, drawings, paintings, and poems. Selected art pieces will be exhibited at the MOI 2024 exhibition, in a virtual exhibition and later as a moving exhibition that visits the participating schools. The exhibition will provide a platform for students’ voice, imagination, and creativity.

At the MOI 2024 exhibition, the selected entries and their participants will be invited to present their art pieces to any visitors and audiences on the opening day (and potentially also to help curate and set up the exhibition). The exhibition will remain open for the duration of MOI 2024 from 26th July – 28th July. In addition, for the virtual exhibition, we will invite students to send us a recording explaining their art pieces.



Themes- Students can prepare art forms on any of the one theme:

    1. Sustainable planet
    2. Ahmedabad in 2040
    3. Education for sustainable development


Selection criteria- The exhibition will be using the following rubric:

  • Novelty and authenticity
  • Relevance to the theme
  • Clarity of caption
  • Quality of artwork

It is important to note that we are most interested in novel and authentic expressions of experiences of happiness in education. Additionally, the quality of the caption plays a significant role in the selection of the entry.


Students’ involvement- All artist’s whose pieces are on display will be expected to be present on 26th evening for an opening ceremony. In addition, we expect them to be present on 27th – 28th July as per a (2-hour) time slot selected by them to engage with exhibition visitors.