
The program aims to holistically improve rural government and low fee private schools by working with various stake holders in education. The program adopts a complex systems theory approach to deeply understand system limitations due to interactions between a wide range of causes.
The project began with in school classes on spoken English, Hindi, Mathematical skills, value education and soft skill development. Over time the program evolved into a teacher enrichment program before we realized the need for holistic school wide intervention.
Currently the Education Enhancement Program (holistic school improvement program) has evolved into a comprehensive four-year program that provides day-to-day intervention to empower school education by:


  • working with the school administration and leadership teams for a holistic development of the schools,
  • building competencies and capacity among teachers,
  • developing teaching and assessment tools to aid teaching and learning process of the schools
  • conducting thinking /life skills’ classes for the students and
  • engaging parents in the educational process.

The program has worked with 9,545 children, their parents and 310 teachers.
Learning from our experiences and responding to covid-19 we are shifting to setting up an online teacher training program called EmpowerEd.